This was my initial position as well. It’s a currency when people decide it’s a currency, just like the US dollar. It has the benefit of security, transparency, and it is inclusive which most currency is not. We collectively decide what we put value in. No nation can go on printing money. A unilateral restructuring of debt will come. Countries are already rolling out digital currencies. Why can’t the internet act as an egalitarian nation with peer to peer transactions? I believe the energy costs will come down in 2–3 years and i find those numbers misleading. Wall street is completely decoupled from the the economically disenfranchised citizen who is basically a walking net loss of human capital. Plus you take out of the middle man of bureaucracies, commercial banking which average citizens don't use, all that prime real estate and an opaque system that consumes a ton of raw materials and energy that we will never know the real cost of. I anticipate many bumps but it has so much pure potential. I look at bitcoin as a transition point, not an endgame. A pressure release valve in an utterly unsustainable economic position. There are too many fingers of instability in the current system and while reform can fix much of it we need to evolve out of it. I also forgot to add that I still don’t hear economists taking the climate crisis into their estimates, projections or calculations. This is will incur huge losses and totally unhinge the current world order even though North America is well positioned. Naive I know. :-D